Speaking about air bubble film we must admit its usage in greenhouse technologies. Nowadays we can’t even imagine greenhouse agriculture without such a wonderful and irreplaceable material as air bubble film.
Our company “Âèñîê³ òåõíîëî㳿 ïëàñòèêà” produces special air bubble film “TeÐa” for greenhouses. This film is used in greenhouse and hothouse agriculture, including greenhouses of huge and small sizes.
Our air bubble film is a unique heat insulation material (we have mention it before). Besides that it is strong material due to unique production technology developed by our experts who is continually working on its improvement and new technologies creation.
Greenhouse air bubble film is three-layered air bubble film (it’s the same two-layered air bubble film that is covered with one more film layer). In greenhouse agriculture it’s also possible to use two-layered air bubble film with the same additives as usually added to tree-layered air bubble film.
Everybody engaged in greenhouse agriculture knows that air bubble film must be thick enough to make sun spectrum pass through it and accelerate output growth. This demand is constantly on our control. Besides that we make air bubble film with the special additives that increase productivity and yield.
Guarantee for air bubble film durability is about three years. We can produce greenhouse air bubble film “TeÐa” on demanded width (maximum 150 sm).
Save the spring for the hole year round despite the weather outside the greenhouse, even in winter!
We produce two kinds of air bubble film:
bubbles 10 mm in diameter and 4 mm high
bubbles 25 mm in diameter and 8 mm high

Air bubble film “TeRa” can be used in winter and in summer regardless temperature conditions, it is used to cover outer vertical surfaces of the indastrial greenhouses to save heat and equalize operating temperature in peripheral and central zones of greenhouse.
Bubbles are transparent (even for ultraviolet rays), strong, flexible, moisture-resistant, corrosion proof, heat insulting, they aren't tasty for bacteria, can't bebitten by insects and have little calories to be interesting for rodents. It’s a beautiful material resembling morning dew. Air bubble film “TeRa” is a universal material, it’s cheaper than glass and has better characteristics.
Hydrophilic additive prevents formation droplets on the surface of greenhouse film. As a result water flows down on the surface and doesn’t condense in individual drops.
Light converter converts sunlight into useful for plants spectral range and it increases drop yields. Formation of vitamins, enzymes which are important for plants depends on light intensity and its spectral composition.
Thematic exiles:
air-bubblå film, prices,manufacture, stress,
three-layer air-bubblå film,
polyethylene air-bubblå film,
greenhouse air bubble film "TeRa"